my story

Five years ago, I was deeply depressed and chronically anxious, my entire experience was consumed by self-criticism, and I thought this was normal.

I also had cancer spreading through my body and a one-year-old daughter I was struggling to love. This seemed less normal.

I knew something had to change - hopefully my trajectory - and in seeking help from my lifelong friend and alternative practitioner Ian Watson. Through working with Ian and his colleague Carol Boroughs I experienced a massive shift in perspective.

And EVERYTHING changed.

I fell in love with my daughter, left my husband and started living.

I fell in love with life.  

Paradoxically, I felt less need to control everything and I breezed through cancer treatments with little attachment to the outcome. It is my belief that this was instrumental in my recovery. Loving ourselves deeply and allowing ourselves to BE fully is the best thing we can do for our health.

I found I could give myself permission to live, to love, and to feel and not only would I survive my feelings, but I would thrive.

Because of my experience I now really enjoy working with people facing disease and the psychological impact it has. I also enjoy working with those who find themselves struggling as parents.

Robyn Tyers, Life Coach, Soul Coach Anxiety Help Peaceful

how I work

I have been in this field for about four years and work predominantly online, though I love in-person when it works and groups especially.

Usually, working one to one I spend a number of sessions exploring your current and evolving experience of life through an understanding of The Three Principles. (a simple explanation of how we – as human beings – create the experience we are having moment to moment as originally described by Sydney Banks)

As my work has evolved over the years, I now share a more feeling-led exploration, helping you to connect and become familiar with your own sense of presence and the voice of your own wisdom.

Practicing this felt sense brings a sense of peace in the moment and clarity to moving forward. The impact is profound and lasting.

Sessions and Pricing

Please check out the menu below for pricing and drop me a text or email if you are interested in working together.

  • If you’re curious about the work I do book a completely free no strings attached call

    20 mins


  • Single, or one off coaching sessions for anyone new to the three principles or me. Online, and upto 1.5 hours.


  • A six session package to reconnect with your deeper self and guided integration into your life

    Six 1 hour sessions


  • A reduced price single session for those trained in sharing the three priciples, to refresh and reground.

    1 hr


  • I offer in person sessions in London where I am based and they are priced according to timings and location desired.

    Walking sessions on Hampstead Heath are my favourite.