Robyn Tyers Feel Good Coach, Three Principles facilitator

My work is to bring you back to yourself, on the deepest level.

Reconnecting you to your vitality and joy.

I love every opportunity I get to do this work because I have seen how our day-to-day experience can be wholly transformed by a shift in our personal understanding and perspective.

I transformed my own life, from feeling as if I were constantly navigating a narrowing and treacherous path, to exploring a playground of my own invention.

There aren’t any experiences or feelings outside the possibility of instant transformation, and this simple approach is effective even in the most extreme situations.

I’d love to explore with you and guide you back to your own knowing, because in any circumstance you are your most powerful ally.

- Robyn Tyers

  • "Sarah leads from the heart and creates an environment where you are able to see everything you thought from a completely new perspective. I came away from one of her sessions not only feeling light but with a new feeling of energy, clarity and connection."


  • "Coaching with Sarah was the most wonderful journey, rediscovering myself again and, through deep work, she thought me how to be focused in the present and truly enjoy it. I would recommend her to anyone who is willing to take the only road that leads to self-resolution."


  • "Something at the core of my being settles into place more deeply when I am with Sarah. I know that I am fully seen and accepted. However, in her seeing there is also something that is both piercing and energising: what is pierced is that which is not Me; what is energised is that which Is. This is a connection that I absolutely love to dance in.”


Embarking on this work opens so many doors within; things that looked impossible become options.

You will be inspired to try new things and explore experiences.

Many spiritual teachings, as a solution to feeling ill at ease, often point to being present, in the moment and mindful.

We all have presence, and we all have ease available to us, and that is what I offer you connection to.

Through exploring the very simple teachings of Sydney Banks and how you are experiencing your life, I use  my own presence and grounding in the understanding to bring you back into connection with your own wisdom.

Once felt and recognized you will gain confidence in your inner knowing, and experience more frequent insight into your own thoughts and feelings bringing more freedom to choose your actions & beliefs.

Most commonly this work brings a sense of there being less we need to do, and less we need to fix. Creating space for peace and inspired actions.